Program Objective

The 智能创业加速基金 Program is designed to provide 金融 support to established small businesses to advance and accelerate the growth and expansion of Portsmouth's entrepreneurial and small business community




  • New and recently established for-profit small businesses and non-profit organizations with operations based in the 财富坊cff999市
  • Available to businesses that have been in operation for 3-7 years (as evidenced by a 财富坊cff999市 business license)
  • Available to businesses with 10 full-time equivalent (FTE) or fewer positions
  • Businesses utilizing a co-working space mailbox must prove Portsmouth residency with a 12-month residential lease or proof of home ownership.
  • Co-working space tenants are required to have a minimum of a 12-month lease. 须提供租约副本.
  • Proof of Portsmouth residency is required for home-based businesses.
  • 本地实体, 状态, 或者联邦政府, 宗教组织, and residential-use businesses are prohibited from applying.
  • 企业目前与财富坊cff999市的税收和费用


Matching requirement: All applications require a 5:1 (20%) 金融 match


  • The 智能创业加速基金 is a matching, reimbursement program that requires the applicant to make the initial investment for the full cost of activities; 80% of the eligible costs will be paid as a reimbursement, 以最高奖助金数额为限.
  • 补助金购买必须在授予后90天内完成
    • Purchases made and/or paid for prior to an issuance of a grant agreement will not be reimbursed.
  • Grants will be awarded as reimbursement based upon certifiable business expenses (e.g. 支付收据/发票)
  • Recipients of the Smart Start Business Development Grant may only receive funding one time under the program. No more than two grant applications may be submitted per business principal within a five-year period.


应用程序s for the 2025 Fiscal year are accepted according to the submission schedule below.

应用程序s received after the cutoff date will be considered by the Portsmouth EDA in the following round.

第一轮: 2024年7月1日至31日开放
第二轮: 2024年10月1日至31日开放
第三轮: 开放时间为2025年1月1日至31日
轮4: 开放时间为2025年4月1日至30日

应用程序 & 审批流程

The 智能创业加速基金 application is a three-step process. The completed 智能创业加速基金 application is to be submitted to Portsmouth Economic Development for review and is not considered submitted if incomplete. 完成 applications (those containing all required documentation) will be reviewed to determine completion status and adherence with program guidelines.

Approval or denial of an application lies within the discretion of the Portsmouth 经济发展局's (EDA) Board of Commissioners, considering factors such as the degree to which the business activities contemplated by the application further the goals of the program, 需要资金的程度, 所要求的经费数额, the amount of program funds remaining for the fiscal year, and any other factors the Board of Commissioners may deem relevant.

当申请被批准时, the applicant will enter into a Grant Agreement with the Portsmouth EDA, 同意接受获批准的拨款. If the grantee needs to make any changes to the use of grant funds as proposed in the application, the grantee must notify Portsmouth Economic Development in writing in advance of the changes.


The 智能创业加速基金 is a matching, reimbursement program that requires the applicant to make the initial investment for the full cost of activities; 80% of the eligible costs will be paid out as a reimbursement, 以最高奖助金数额为限. The 智能创业加速基金 is funded entirely by the Portsmouth 经济发展局 (EDA). Eligible activities are only those under Section V of these Guidelines and must directly and primarily benefit the business for which the Grant award is received. The maximum grant amount available for any approved application is $5,000. Recipients of the 智能创业加速基金 may only receive funding one time under the program.
Funding is available until the funding pool has been exhausted each fiscal year as appropriated. All recipients are required to enter into a Grant Agreement with the Portsmouth EDA. Recipients have 30 days to begin eligible business activities and 90 days to complete them. Extensions for an additional 90 days may be granted on a case-by-case basis.

Funding is available until the funding pool has been exhausted each fiscal year as appropriated.

All recipients are required to enter into a Grant Agreement with the Portsmouth EDA. Recipients have 30 days to begin eligible business activities and 90 days to complete them. Extensions for an additional 90 days may be granted on a case-by-case basis


  • Professional and third-party services to assist in establishing a business including legal, 金融, 会计, 市场营销, 社交媒体, 电子商务, 等.
  • Small scale production/manufacturing equipment, machinery, tools, 等.
  • Technology and digital infrastructure (hardware, software, digital platforms, 等.)
  • 商务家具及固定装置


  • 工资、福利、工资费用
  • 租金、偿债
  • 营运成本(水电费、保险费等.)
  • 房地产改善
  • 供应及存货
  • 民用家具
  • 装饰性物品(墙壁艺术品、装饰品等.)


All documentation must be submitted by the close of the grant application round.

  • 完成 美国国税局W-9表
  • 财富坊cff999市营业执照复印件
  • 来自弗吉尼亚SCC的“组织章程”副本
  • Complete business plan that includes an explanation of use of grant funding using the 圣克拉拉MOBI商业计划模板 
  • Two quotes per product/service you will purchase with grant funding
  • 财务报表